Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Rain Rain Go Away...

Come back another day :-(

We decide to start building our home in 2013 and this becomes the year with historical rains in Ahmedabad :-(

Under the normal circumstances, I would welcome so much rain... It is just beautiful all round with Green Carpet still visible everywhere. But, not this year. Our construction commencement already got delayed by two months due to heavy rains and we are not seeing much reprieve towards the end of September as well!

Foundation work has completed. Plan was to complete filling up the excavation and start working on the ground beams. We missed this  task by about 4 days... Had the filling been completed, all this rain would have been perfect to completely settle it down.

Checkout the latest satellite image from the Indian Meteorological Department. Ahmedabad is lighted up like never before and more rain is expected in the next few days..

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