Thursday, September 5, 2013

Cool Design Elements we are considering

Living / Dining Door to the Garden:

Instead of a folding / sliding door opening up to the garden, we are considering canopy garage door type opening to the garden - Check out these cool designs. Something along these lines... Let me know how to procure necessary hardware in India :-)

Also, our span is much more than this door... So not sure if this kind of design can be used at all.

Polished RCC Flooring:

As I mentioned in my earlier post, we are considering using just polished concrete with some pigments built-in instead of separate flooring. Maybe we will end up using some flooring in the bedrooms, but for the most part we don't want to. Check out some of the cool pictures I found for this kind of flooring...

Now the challenge is to find artisan that can yield these kind of results in Ahmedabad!

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